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For Cafes

Free on loan (FOL) or equipment on loan (EOL) was first introduced by roasters to differentiate in a competitive market. While it may seem convenient, nothing is ever really for free. The roasters rightly need to cover their costs and that's achieved by adding margin onto the purchase price of beans. This might work for some but these days, more roasters and café's are looking for greater clarity and transparency. Simply put, your roaster gives you the best price on beans and you can invest in your own coffee equipment. At the end of the term, you have an option to own the asset or upgrade to a new coffee platform.

See how you can do that with Counting Beans for less.

Stop paying off someone else's coffee equipment. Invest in your business and save.

Cafe Interior with buckets of roasted coffee
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You've done the hard yards and proven you can run a successful business. We work with established and proven businesses so we can pass on the savings of lower risk funding.

Benefit from being a proven business

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We want to understand your business and what makes you tick as a cafe owner. This will help us provide you with the most suitable funding solutions and gives us the opportunity to advise on other ways to optimise your finances.
We don't view this relationship as a transaction. We’re interested in partnering with you in your funding goals for the long haul.

Custom solutions and strategy

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We're passionate about coffee and we have a deep understanding of finance. We'll take the boring stuff off your hands and make it easy for you to focus on the real business of creating exceptional coffee and experiences that people love.

Easy and flexible

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We can help you save thousands - literally.
See for yourself by taking a minute to try the online calculator.
Alternatively, explore what's possible in a free consultation. We'll share our recommendations in a customised report that outlines your current situation and comparison option that will help you improve your bottom line.

Why go with Counting Beans?

5 Reasons Cafes are working with us

1. Free up your working capital.

2. Monthly payments are operating expenses and tax deductable.

3. Creates transparent pricing on beans only so you don't pay more than you need to.

4. Predictable monthly costs that don't fluctuate.

5. No upfront costs. Option to own or upgrade at the end of the term.

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